Fox Martial Arts Naples

Karate-Do, the empty handed-way! For Martial Arts Naples, FL, you’re in the right place. This Traditional Karate class teaches discipline and agility. Karate-Do Class helps students to learn how to think, avoid physical confrontations, prepare for unavoidable situations, and encourages to achieve goals, then set new ones. Current Karate-Do classes are 1 hour long and consist of warm-up, exercise, Karate drills, and also Karate-Do Kata. The way these Martial Arts classes are structured, beginners can train right alongside higher belt ranks.

Why Study Karate?

Karate is an ancient form of self defense.

Martial Arts Naples
Martial Arts Testing at MHCP Naples

The diligent practice of this self defense art will condition your body and mind to their fullest potential.

Karate also enhances the problem solving skills of the mind and body. Many families see an improvement not only in manners and grades, but also social skills.

Students learn not only self confidence, but self respect, as well as respect for others.

The hard work in the Dojo pays off in many areas. However all students learn at a different rate. Be cautious not to be a boastful practitioner. Rather be the one willing to be humble. The Dojo motto is “treat others as you wish to be treated”.

What is Karate-Do?

Karate-Do Japanese Writing

Thus Karate–do means the empty handed way. The people of Okinawa were denied the possession of weapons to defend themselves against the often ruthless warrior class. Instead they refined ancient fighting methods which migrated from China. This way their hands and feet became their swords and through diligent training were able to defend themselves.

The days have passed where Karate-Do is needed for daily survival, however the art has lived on. For generations the masters had to teach this art in secrecy usually to family members only. Teaching the art was strictly forbidden.

Karate-Do was introduced to Japan in the early 1900’s. It then developed into the four major styles of modern Karate-Do. Shito Ryu, Gojo-Ryu, Wado-Ryu and Shotokan.

Fox Martial Arts Naples teaches Shito Ryu Karate-Do. The emphasis on tradition and detail is unsurpassed in this area. The lineage of Fox Martial Arts can be traced to the mid 1600’s from master Kosokun. To modern day master the late Teruo Hayashi.

What is Karate-Do “Kata”?

According to Wikipedia, Karate Kata is a Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs. Karate Kata are executed as a specified series of a variety of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain good form. The Karate Kata is not intended as a literal depiction of a mock fight, but as a display of transition and flow from one posture and movement to another, teaching the student proper form and position, and encouraging them to visualize different scenarios for the use of each motion and technique.

Karate Naples Kihon
Martial Arts – Karate Kihon Training Naples